Other Amphibian of the Week

Patch-nosed Salamander (Urspelerpes brucei)

a yellow Patch-nosed Salamander (Urspelerpes brucei) sitting on some vegetation
photo by Todd Pierson

Common Name: Patch-nosed Salamander
Scientific Name: Urspelerpes brucei
Family: Plethodontidae – lungless salamanders
Locations: United States – Georgia and South Carolina
Size: 1 inch

The Patch-nosed Salamander is a relatively new species of salamander to science, only being described in 2009. It is the only species in its genus – Urspelerpes. They are closely related to the Brook Salamanders (genus Eurycea) but the Patch-nosed Salamander has five toes on their hind feet while the Brook Salamanders has only four. Males of the Patch-nosed Salamander have a bright yellow back with two dorsal stripes while the females have a blander yellow color with no stripes.

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