Frog of the Week

Big-eyed Tree Frog (Leptopelis vermiculatus)

photo from Dawson

Common Names: Big-eyed Tree frog, Peacock Tree Frog, Amani forest Treefrog, or Vermiculated Tree Frog
Scientific Name: Leptopelis vermiculatus
Family: Arthroleptidae
Location: Tanzania
Size: 3.3 inches or 8.5 cm

Big-eyed Tree Frog is part of the African tree frog genus – Leptopelis.  They have two color phases: brown and green. The green phase has black speckles over its body, while the brown has black irregular blotches. They live in the rain forests of Tanzania where deforestation is occurring. That is why they are listed as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nation (IUCN).

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