Frogs of the World

Frogs and Toads of Alberta, Canada

Frogs and Toads of Alberta, Canada

If you are looking to identify certain frogs and toads of Alberta and can’t figure it out from the page, you can check my Frog Identification and see how to contact me about helping you out.


True Frog family – Ranidae

Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica)

Common Name: Wood Frog
Scientific Name: Rana sylvatica
Breeding Season: 

The Wood Frog is a small to medium sized frog. They vary in color from brown, silver, or red and they have dark “raccoon” eyes. When winter comes, the Wood Frog can freeze completely solid and then unthaw in spring. They start to breed once the ice is off the ponds in late March / early April. After breeding season, they are often found in the woods, far away from any water bodies.

Common Name: Columbia Spotted Frog
Scientific Name: 
Rana luteiventris
Western half
Breeding Season:

The Columbia Spotted Frog is a medium sized frog varying in color from gray, brown, olive, to green with small spots that aren’t filled all over their bodies. The undersides of their legs and belly are red to pink.

Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens)

Common Name: Northern Leopard Frog
Scientific Name: 
Rana pipiens
Eastern half
Breeding Season:

The Northern Leopard Frog is a medium to large species of semi aquatic species of frog. They vary in color from dark brown to slim green with fairly large spots all over their body.

Tree Frog family – Hylidae

Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata)

Common Name: Boreal Chorus Frog
Scientific Name: Pseudacris maculata
Breeding Season: 

The Boreal Chorus Frog is the only tree frog in the province. The Boreal Chorus Frog is a small sized Chorus Frog, ranging from brown, red, tan, to olive in color. The Boreal Chorus Frog has three lines down back that makes it identifiable.

Here’s a video of one calling.


True Toad family – Bufonidae

American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus)

Common Name: American Toad
Scientific Name: Anaxyrus americanus
Location: Eastern half
Breeding Season: 

The American Toad is a medium sized toad with rough warty skin that’s primary brown in color but can have some black, gray, or red coloration. The American Toad’s cranial crest forms opposing L shapes. The toads can be found pretty much anywhere including urban areas.

Common Name: Great Plains Toad
Scientific Name: 
Anaxyrus cognatus
Southeast corner of the province
Breeding Season:

The Great Plains Toad is a medium sized toad with pairs of dark blotches down their back. The toads are brown, gray, or green in color. A white stripe down their back can be seen on some individuals. The toad has a V shaped cranial crest on their head with a boss (bump) in between the eyes.

Video of a male Great Plains Toad calling by Annika Enloe

Common Name: Western Toad
Scientific Name: 
Anaxyrus boreas
Western half
Breeding Season:

The Western Toad is a medium sized toad with warty skin that’s green, gray, or brown in color. They have a thin white line that runs between their eyes down their back. The toad also lacks a cranial crest.

Spadefoot Toad family – Scaphiopodidae

Common Name: Plains Spadefoot Toad
Scientific Name: 
Spea bombifrons
Breeding Season:

The Plains Spadefoot Toad is a small to medium sized toad that is gray, brown, or tan in color. They have elliptical, vertical pupils that are snake-like. The toad has a bony boss (bump between the eyes). Its spade has a round shape.

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