Threats to Frogs

Threat to Frogs: Chytrid Fungus

Photo by Forrest Brem

Chytrid Fungus has decimated the frog and amphibian world. Chytrid Fungus or Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Bd for short, was discovered in 1999 as a fungus that infects the skin of amphibians. The skin of the amphibian becomes thicker which makes it harder for the amphibians to breath and drink through its skin, leading to death.

Chytrid Fungus is scary because it is believed that the majority of the world’s frogs can be infected by it. There are some species of frogs that are resistant to it such as the African Clawed Frog and the American Bull Frog but the majority of frogs aren’t resistant to it. Chytrid Fungus has been spread all over the world through the trade of amphibians for food, experiments, and pets. Also the spores can stick to clothes and shoes and travel with humans.

Chytrid Fungus is treatable. Some conservation groups such as the Hondursas Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Center are bringing in young frogs and treating them for the fungus and releasing them back into the wild.

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