
Different Lifestyles of Frogs and Toads

Frogs and toads have a variety of different lifestyles. Most people think frogs just live near the water but there is more than that.

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Suriname Toad (Pipa pipa)


There are many frogs that spend most of their lives in the water. The family Pipidae contains many fully aquatic species of frogs and toads. The Surinam Toad, pictured above,  eats, sleeps, and mates in the water. They come to the surface of the water to breathe in some air every hour and they come onto land when their habitat starts to dry up. My frogs, Sven and Olaf are full aquatic.

Green Frog

Semi Aquatic

The most perceived lifestyle of frogs is the semi aquatic one. These frogs spend life both on land and in water. They usually hang out close to the water or on the surface of shallow bodies of water.

American Toad


Most toads are terrestrial. They live primary on land and only go in the water to breed mostly. There are terrestrial frogs such as the Surniame Horned Frog.

Green Tree Frog


Frogs that live in trees are arboreal. Some of these species never leave the trees while others come down to the ground to breed and hibernate. Some frogs lay their eggs on leaves and when they grow into tadpoles, they drop into a water body below.

Purple Frog
Purple Frog by Karthickbala


There are species of frogs and toads that live most of their lives underground. Some of these species only come up to the surface to breed like the Purple frog above.

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