
Spotted Tree Frog Re-introduced to Kosciuszko National Park are doing great


The Spotted Tree Frog, Litoria spenceri, is a critically endangered frog species found in Australia in the Southeastern States of Victoria and New South Wales. Chytrid fungus, habitat destruction, and introduction of the trout species have decimated the frog populations.

Dr. David Hunter,a Senior Threatened Species Officer from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, collected the last remaining Spotted Tree Frogs in the Kosciuszko National Park back in 2001. The frogs were brought to the Amphibian Research Centre in Melbourne to be bred in captivity. Dr. David Hunter tried to introduce some frogs back into the park but they were wiped out by Chytrid fungus. Dr. David Hunter looked for a new spot to re-introduce them. Three years ago, Dr. David Hunter found a new location to release 400 of the Spotted Tree Frogs that is much warmer than previous locations because Chytrid fungus thrives in cooler environments.

Recent surveys of the frogs have surprised researchers with how well the frogs have been doing. The re-introduced frogs have over a 50% survival rate and they have been shown to be breeding. Hopefully, the frogs continue to breed and expand their range.

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